How to translate text to other languages by Easy ScreenOCR

How to translate text to other languages by Easy ScreenOCR

Powered by advanced language translation engine, the latest version, Easy ScreenOCR is capable of translating the plain text into 27 languages, which means, Easy ScreenOCR is capable of translating screenshots both on Mac and Win. The process is super fast and easy. This will boost your productivities greatly if you require translation service after the image OCR process. You can use it to translate pictures to English, translate Japanease image to English and even more languages. Just follow the next steps.

Step 1. Download Easy ScreenOCR 1.8.0 or update the older version.

Step 2. Go to “Preference” after right clicking the icon and then, select the “TRANSLATE” tab.

Step 3. In “TRANSLATE” tab, you will see the “Target Language” dropdown list. Select one language from the list that you want to translate your text into. Then, close the Window and the configuration has been applied.

Step 4. Process “Capture-OCR” process. Once the “Text” tab is enabled, click “Translate” button and the translated text will show up in the textbox.

You can view the automate Gif image below for detailed information.

automated gif for showing the steps to OCR images to text and translate the plain text into other languages

Download EasyScreenOCR 1.8.0 from here:

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