How to deal with the issue “Access to the path C:\..cursorData.cur” is denied
Hi, Dear Users, this issue may occur in some Windows 10 computers. I am still working with it to fix such an issue. Now you have two methods to avoid such problem and continue to using EasyScreenOCR for Win.

#1. Run the application as Administrator. Go to the installation folder of ESO. Right click on “EasyScreenOCR.exe” and select “Run As Admistrator” button.

Alternatively, you can also choose “Properties” to promote the properties window. Select the “Compatability” tab. Then choose “Run As Administrator”. Then the error will not happen again.
After such configuration, every time you run ESO, the system will promote a window to confirm. Click OK and you can go on using ESO and Then the error will not happen again.
#2 The most convenient and easy way to deal with such an issue is to change the drive where you install EasyScreenOCR. For example, you can install the program to D drive rather than C drive. I highly recommend you to choose this method.