Author - Shane Steven

How to Load Google API in EasyScreenOCR for Mac LifeTime Version

Hi, Dear ESO users, on 23/8/2019,  we have released the EasyScreenOCR LifeTime version(for Windows). Since that, we have won the trust of thousands of users. These users prefer to loading their own Google credential file and process screenshot OCR and translation. Now, we have released the Lifetime version for Mac users. You can download the latest ESO for Mac 1.4.0 and learn how to load Google API in this Mac application in this post. Before using ESO for Mac LifeTime...

Five Picture Translators To Save Time

Using OCR (optical character recognition) technology in combination with automatic translation to convert images into an editable text format shows its benefits in both personal and business workflows. Manual translation of data from an image is tedious and inefficient, especially if it contains a lot of information. With a text document, you can easily access and edit anything, copy/paste and share it. The possibility of errors is reduced to a minimum since highly advanced algorithms do the work for you....

How to Create Your Own Google API JSON credential

[Post Updated 13/03/2021] Hi, Dear ESO users, in this part, I will show you how to create your own Google API JSON credential so you can use Google OCR engine integrated with the EasyScreenOCR Lifetime version. First, you need an account of Google Cloud. It should be easy if you have a Google account like Gmail. More importantly, if you're new to Google Cloud, you will get free $300 for 12 months. Now it is only for 90 days since 2020,...

EasyScreenOCR for LifeTime Version Released and Some Big Changes

Hi, all the users of EasyScreenOCR, I still remember the first time I release EasyScreenOCR 1.0 on 27.01.2018. Now, it has been almost half and one year. Hundreds and thousands of users use my program and give me so many important suggestions. I appreciate it so much and I do believe more people will use ESO as my program boost their productivity and make their work much easier. In the past, I spent days and nights to create this...

How to Do OCR Korean on Mac, Windows and Online

Why Do We Need an OCR Korean Software? You must be already aware of OCR software. Isn't it? Well, an Optical Character Recognition software is based on the technology using which it can detect handwritten/printed text characters from an image. So, if you are looking for a software that can extract Korean from images, then you have definitely landed on the right page. No matter whether you are fluent in speaking/writing Korean, it will become an absolutely tedious job if...

How to Convert Image Text to Speech for Free

Optical Character Recognition or OCR and text to speech or TTS are two of the latest technologies that make our daily tasks much more convenient. While each of them is developed for different purposes, you can combine these processes and enjoy some great benefits. Have you ever thought of hearing your favorite old books or document papers just with a scanned version? Yes, it is totally attainable. Keep reading this guide to learn how to convert your image text...

Reveal 10 Best Tools for Extracting Text from Image Online Free

Are you looking for a free to use software that can be used to transcribe image to text hassle-freely? If yes, then this article will be so apt for you! For those users who are in search of a reliable, efficient, and free OCR online tool, they can now reveal a total of ten such applications in the following sections. Reveal 10 Best Tools for Extracting Text from Image Online Free #1 EasyScreenOCR Online Are you searching for an image to text...

EasyScreenOCR Online Allows Language Switching

Hi, dear users, for the purpose of making our free image OCR online tool more friendly for non-English users, we have updated EasyScreenOCR Online and now it is a multilingual website. EasyScreenOCR Online provides comparable features and contents on the multilingual website as the English site. It is super easy to toggle between English pages and Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese pages. See the following screenshot. To English-speaking readers, you can view the home page of EasyScreenOCR Online. To Japanese-speaking readers,...

How to OCR and Translate Spanish Text Images for Free

Image OCR stands out for "Image Optical Character Recognition" which is one of the coolest technologies that we can use for getting text place inside images into written text, so we can later copy and paste the text for further analysis and translation. The Spanish language is one of the most widely used in the entire world today, and it's originally created in Spain (España) which is one of the Europe Union countries and was extended to the majority of...

Need to Extract Japanese Text from Images? Here Are the 4 Useful Tools

Why Do You Need a Screenshot OCR Software to Extract Japanese Text from Images? Need to translate Japanese image text to English for your upcoming project work or study material? Or, are you simply reading a Japanese magazine which you want to convert in English? Well, if yes, then you have landed on the right page. Translating Japanese image text to English is an extremely easy and hassle-free process if you have access to the right software/tool. So, please forget...